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Animal Communication Specialist



About the Course

Module 1: Introduction to Animal Communication

Module 2: Animal Communication Systems

Module 3: The Neuroanatomy Of Animal Telepathic Communication

Module 4: Fields of Consciousness and Energy

Module 5: Telepathic Communication

Module 6: Meditation for Animal Communication

Module 7: Reiki for Animal Communication

Module 8: Having Conversations With Animals

Module 9: Conducting Yourself as a Professional Animal Communicator

Module 10: Advanced Animal Communication Skills

Upon completion of the program, graduates of the program will be eligible for ICAHP accreditation at a 50% discount rate, opening up new opportunities for growth and success in their practice.

Your Instructor


We are a team of professionals passionate about holistic disciplines and life skills. Through our enthusiasm, our dynamism, our knowledge of the outlets and the numerous possibilities offered by ancestral knowledge, we have been able to unite around a single objective: to allow as many people as possible to train and acquire the knowledge necessary to live better.

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